Discover job opportunities in the Northern Territory Government (NTG) from various industries and all levels of expertise.
When you apply for a job with the Northern Territory Government, it's important you understand what's required.
Applying for a job with NTG
When applying for a job with the NTG, applicants should provide:
- one-page summary
- detailed resume
- copies of all tertiary qualifications.
To find out more, read the recruitment and selection policy.
You may also need to do a pre-employment screening.
The applicant selection process will be finalised within a maximum of 6 weeks from the closing date of advertising, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
More information about applying for a job with NTG
Find out more about applying for a job in the public sector.
Northern Territory Public Sector rates of pay can be found on the Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment website.
Rates of pay | Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment
If you have any questions regarding rates of pay call 08 8999 4282 or email
Enterprise agreements contain terms and conditions of employment. These can be found on the Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment website.
Public sector enterprise agreements | Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment
Types of employment within the Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS) can be found laid out in the public sector enterprise agreements | Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment.
A summary of these can be found below:
Full-time employment
A full-time employee is an employee who works 36.75 or 38 ordinary hours of duty per week. Each Schedule specifies the ordinary hours of work per week for full-time employees covered by that Schedule.
- Ongoing (Permanent) - Full Time
An ongoing permanent full-time role within NTPS means that the employee is a permanent government worker that must work 36.75 to 38 hours per week.
- Fixed (Temporary) - Full Time
A fixed temporary full-time role within NTPS means that the employee is on a contract but working full time hours (36.75 to 38 per week). Fixed Temporary roles can be anywhere between 3 months to 5 years depending on the reason behind the job vacancy.
Part-time employment
A part-time employee is an employee who works an agreed number of regular hours that is less than the ordinary hours of work applicable to an equivalent full-time employee.
- Ongoing (Permanent) - Part Time
An ongoing permanent part time role within NTPS means that the employee is a permanent government worker who works an agreed number of regular hours that is less than the ordinary hours (36.75 to 38 per week).
- Fixed (Temporary) - Part Time
A fixed temporary part-time role within NTPS means that the employee is on a contract and works an agreed number of regular hours that is less than the ordinary hours (36.75 to 38 per week). Fixed Temporary roles can be anywhere between 3 months to 5 years depending on the reason behind the job vacancy.
Casual employment
A casual employee is an employee who:
- Was offered and accepted employment on the basis that the employer makes no firm advance commitment to continuing and indefinite work according to an agreed pattern of work
- Was offered and accepted employment on the basis that the employer makes no firm advance commitment to continuing and indefinite work according to an agreed pattern of work
- Will be paid the ordinary hourly rate of pay for the classification assigned; and
- Will be paid a casual loading of 25% of the ordinary hourly rate of pay, in lieu of paid leave (except long service leave) and public holidays not worked.)
- has a minimum daily engagement of three hours.
A special measure is a program, plan or arrangement designed to promote equality of opportunity. There are 2 types of special measures recruitment plans in the Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS).
- Designated Aboriginal Positions
- Priority Consideration for Aboriginal Applicants
To learn more about special measures in recruitment visit Special measures in recruitment | Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment.
Pay increments are outlined in the enterprise agreement starting on page 31. Public sector enterprise agreements | Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment
For further generalised information please visit: Northern Territory Government | NT.GOV.AU
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