Holding hands

Disability help

Access to disability services

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is now available in the Northern Territory (NT),  providing support and services to people with a disability.

You may be eligible if you have:

  • a disability or condition that is likely to be permanent or
  • a development delay that affects your ability to participate in everyday activities.

To check if you are eligible for the scheme, or for more information, call the NDIS on 1800 800 110 or go to the National Disability Insurance Scheme website.

Bus and taxi assistance

NT public buses have ramps that provide access for those using standard wheelchairs and mobility aids.

If you have a disability or mobility restriction that prevents you from catching public transport, you may be eligible for a transport subsidy.

In the NT we have 2 schemes:

  • Taxi subsidy scheme
  • Lift incentive scheme

Read about bus and taxi assistance in the NT.

Accessibility in the NT

There's a range of community facilities that are accessible in the NT, including art galleries, museums, libraries, national parks and sporting venues.

Look over the full list of facilities on the disability services website.

The City of Darwin lists accessible facilities on their website. This includes accessible parking, toilets, playgrounds and fishing platforms.

If you live in Alice Springs, the Alice Springs Town Council has an online accessibility map that shows you where you can access accessible parking, toilets, ramps and other amenities.

Read about accessibility in Alice Springs to learn about parking permits, library services and other support services in Central Australia.


Government schools in the NT offer Student Wellbeing and Inclusion Programs and Services (SWIPS). Read how you can get support for your child both during and outside of school.

This includes students with hearing, mobility and vision impairments, autism and intellectual disabilities.

Read the approved specialist schools and centres that operate in the NT.

Disability advocacy

Advocacy services provide information and support to people with disability, their family and carers.

The Darwin Community Legal Service has free legal support and advice for people in the Top End. Go to the Darwin Community Legal Service website or freecall 1800 812 953.

The Disability Advocacy Service has free support and advice for people in Central Australia. Go to the Disability Advocacy Service website or call 08 8953 1422.

The National Disability Advocacy Program can help with general access and support. It also helps people with disability if other issues arise, including assistance with the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

For more information go to the Australian Government Department of Social Services website or call the Northern Territory offices of the Department of Social Services on 1300 653 227.

For disability advocacy you can also get support from the following websites:

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