Women discussing paperwork in NT Office

Career pathways

When you decide to join the Northern Territory Government, there are plenty of opportunities to kickstart your career.

Find the right job pathway for you.

Find a job with NTG

Keep across Northern Territory Government job vacancies and explore roles in fields of study or interest.

Find the right pathway to kickstart your career

Start your career in the NT Government

There are a variety of ways to start your career with the Northern Territory Government public sector including:

Northern Territory Government Trainee holding laptop

Entry level positions

Are you interested in an entry level administration job? The Entry-Level Recruitment (ELR) service allows you to get a job in the Northern Territory Government.

Jah-Ryse Marcho Godinho dos Reis

Government traineeship

If you're completing a nationally recognised qualification, you can apply to do a Northern Territory (NT) Government traineeship. Traineeships are for one or 2 years and offer paid employment while you study.

Early Careers NT Success stories

Government vacation program

This program provides university students paid employment in the semester breaks. Employment is in entry level NT Government short term roles.

Two engineers looking at plans in the Northern Territory

Aboriginal pre-employment program

If you're an Aboriginal jobseeker looking for work, you can apply for the Northern Territory (NT) Government's Aboriginal pre-employment program.

Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet NTG Graduates 2025

CMC and DTF Graduate program

As a graduate in the Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet (CMC) or the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF), you will experience a dynamic and stimulating work environment.

Early Careers NT Success stories

Early Careers Graduate program

The Early Careers graduate development program provides full time employment for university graduates.

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