
We offer traineeships in Northern Territory Government agencies whilst you complete a nationally recognised qualification.

Traineeships can run for one or two years and be paid employment while you are still studying.

Express your interest

Explore traineeships offered through NTG

We have two traineeship offerings:

  • School students: this is for senior students while they complete their Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training.
  • Adult: full-time or part-time traineeships are available.

NTG traineeship program dates

There are two yearly traineeship commencements:

  • July: Adult traineeship program.
  • February: School based and adult traineeship programs.

Applications open:

  • May: Adult traineeship program.
  • August: School based and adult traineeship programs.

You can submit your expression of interest year-round.

Explore the Northern Territory Government's early careers website to read about traineeship opportunities.

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