Are you looking to make a move to the Northern Territory, but not too sure where to find a job?
Reaching out or joining a membership organisation, can be a great way to make connections in your professional field.
Finding mentors in the Territory are much more accessible. You can bump into them out in the community, whether that be at the local markets or a sporting match.
They can also give you insights into the way we do business here in the Territory.
You could also broaden your opportunities with further study and there are a number of key industries actively looking for workers.
- Association of Mining and Exploration
- Australian Energy Producers
- Australian Hotels Association (NT)
- Chamber of Commerce NT
- Civil Contractors Federation
- Council for Ambulance Authorities - St John
- CPA Australia
- Energy Club NT
- Engineers Australia Northern Division
- Extractive Industries Association
- Hospitality NT
- Housing Industry Association
- Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia
- Information Communication Technology Industry Association NT
- Local Government Association Northern Territory (LGANT)
- Master Builders NT
- Minerals Council Australia NT
- Motor Trade Association
- NT Cattlemen’s Association
- NT Farmers Association
- NT Indigenous Business Network
- NT Livestock Exporters Association
- NT Road Transport Association
- NT Seafood Council
- Pharmacy Guild
- Property Council NT
- Real Estate Institute NT
- Tourism Central Australia
- Tourism Top End
- Urban Development Institute of Australia NT
Explore the many peak industry associations here in the Northern Territory with a number listing current employment opportunities online.
CDU TAFE is NT's leading provider of education and training and offers various industry-based TAFE courses with flexible pathways and study. Explore courses in an industry that interests you.
There are plenty of other education providers here in the NT, look over our list and discover a provider that will suit your needs.
Free training courses
The NT and Australian government have funded some courses in the NT.
Read over the eligibility criteria.
Further information
More information about RTOs and the courses they offer can be found at
For a checklist of what to consider when choosing a training provider, see the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) fact sheet Choosing a training or education provider.
Key Industries in the NT
The following graph showcases the contribution of different industries to the Northern Territory (NT) economy.
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